
This White Paper aims to provide an overview over the assessment of the technological applications in terms of their legitimacy and amenability to Rule of Law standards ensuring respect for rights and liberties. This Paper is oriented towards the policymakers who consider introducing surveillance technologies for health purposes and would like to learn more about how to assess this from a Rule of Law perspective. It is organized in a set of questions. Each question is accompanied by information stemming from the findings of a collaborative research project which tests the hypothesis that emergency responses based on the Rule of Law have the potential to contribute to the empowerment of societies to respond to crisis situations.
Original languageAmerican English
Place of PublicationMunich, Germany
PublisherProfessorship of Law, Science and Technology at Technical University of Munich of Prof. Dr. Christian Djeffal
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-910426-00-9
ISBN (Print)978-3-910426-00-9
StateAccepted/In press - Jul 2022


  • international law
  • the rule of law
  • law and technology
  • legitimacy
  • covid-19 technologies


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