Wheelchair models with integrated transfer support mechanisms and passive actuation

Lorenzo T. D'Angelo, Kassim Abdul-Sater, Florian Pfluegl, Tim C. Lueth

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8 Scopus citations


The concept presented in this paper describes two new approaches to integrate transfer support functions into wheelchairs. The goal is to relieve caregivers and nurses in their daily task of lifting patients from and to the wheelchair without the need of an additional external lift device, such as commonly used lifting cranes or lifting belts. The contributions of this paper are (i) the design of two different mechanical linkages, which realize two types of transfer motions, (ii) the selection of a passive actuator for weight compensation and simulation of the force induced by it (static design), as well as (iii) the experimental evaluation of the simulation using rapid prototyping functional models of the concepts. The results are two different design concepts, each of which can realize a particular, smooth transfer motion.

Original languageEnglish
Article number011012
JournalJournal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2015


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