Vortex dynamics

Christian H. Back, Danilo Pescia, Matthias Buess

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

14 Scopus citations


In this Chapter we will report on progress that has been made in recent years in the investigation of magnetization dynamics in confined magnetic structures of micrometer size. Emphasis is laid on two issues: 1. on time-resolved microscopy of the dynamic mode structure of small ferromagnetic elements and 2. the investigation of magnetic elements in a domain state. We will restrict ourselves to two simple domain states, the magnetic vortex state of thin ferromagnetic disks and the Landau configuration in flat ferromagnetic squares. Both states may be summarized as flux-closure states. The topology of these micromagnetic configurations brings the magnetic vortex at the center of the elements naturally into play.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSpin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures III
EditorsBurkard Hillebrands, Andre Thiaville
Number of pages25
StatePublished - 21 Oct 2006
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameTopics in Applied Physics
ISSN (Print)0303-4216
ISSN (Electronic)1437-0859


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