Very proton rich nuclei with N≈82 - I. In-beam γ spectroscopy; seniority isomerism in150Er

E. Nolte, G. Colombo, S. Z. Gui, G. Korschinek, W. Schollmeier, P. Kubik, S. Gustavsson, R. Geier, H. Morinaga

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38 Scopus citations


Postaccelerated58Ni and60Ni beams from the Munich MP tandem have been used to study the compound reactions58Ni→93Nb,92Mo,94Mo and60Ni→92Mo. The final nuclei148Er,150Er and147Ho have been investigated with in-beam γ-spectroscopic methods, such as excitation functions, γγ coincidences, bunched-beam and pulsed-beam techniques. Level schemes of148Er,150Er and147Ho have been established with the following level energies, spins, parities and half-lives:148Er: 646.6 keV 2+; 1,524.0(4+); 2,254.3(5-); 2,526.9(6+); 2,537.3(7-), 2,706.0(7-, 8-); 2,784.4(8+); 2,915.5(10+) 13±3 μs150Er: 1,578.9 keV 2+; 1,786.4 3-; 2,261.2(5-); 2,634.1(7-); 2,734.3(8+); 2,798.3(10+) 2.7±0.2 us; 4,001.9; 4,491.8; 4,886.0; 5,222.7147Ho: 765.4; 1,737.2; 2,355; 2,656.6 The level scheme of150Er has been discussed in the framework of the seniority scheme. Perfect agreement with the experiment has been found for the predictions of this scheme for the half-lives of 10+ states in N=82 isotones. This is the first nuclear region where the predictions of the seniority scheme have been observed without strong perturbation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-222
Number of pages12
JournalZeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 1982


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