Thermodynamics of the BCS-BEC crossover

R. Haussmann, W. Rantner, S. Cerrito, W. Zwerger

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286 Scopus citations


We present a self-consistent theory for the thermodynamics of the BCS-BEC crossover in the normal and superfluid phase which is both conserving and gapless. It is based on the variational many-body formalism developed by Luttinger and Ward and by DeDominicis and Martin. Truncating the exact functional for the entropy to that obtained within a ladder approximation, the resulting self-consistent integral equations for the normal and anomalous Green functions are solved numerically for arbitrary coupling. The critical temperature, the equation of state, and the entropy are determined as a function of the dimensionless parameter 1 kF a, which controls the crossover from the BCS regime of extended pairs to the BEC regime of tightly bound molecules. The tightly bound pairs turn out to be described by a Popov-type approximation for a dilute, repulsive Bose gas. Even though our approximation does not capture the critical behavior near the continuous superfluid transition, our results provide a consistent picture for the complete crossover thermodynamics which compares well with recent numerical and field-theoretic approaches at the unitarity point.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023610
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number2
StatePublished - 8 Feb 2007


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