The two-loop helicity amplitudes for formula presented.)leptons

Thomas Gehrmann, Andreas von Manteuffel, Lorenzo Tancredi

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56 Scopus citations


Abstract: We compute the two-loop massless QCD corrections to the helicity amplitudes for the production of two massive vector bosons in quark-antiquark annihilation, allowing for an arbitrary virtuality of the vector bosons: qq¯′→V1V2$$ q\overline{q}^{\prime}\to {V}_1{V}_2 $$. Combining with the leptonic decay currents, we obtain the full two-loop QCD description of the corresponding electroweak four-lepton production processes. The calculation is performed by projecting the two-loop diagrams onto an appropriate basis of Lorentz structures. All two-loop Feynman integrals are reduced to a basis of master integrals, which are then computed using the differential equations method and optimised for numerical performance. We provide a public C++ code which allows for fast and precise numerical evaluations of the amplitudes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number9
StatePublished - 29 Sep 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • NLO Computations
  • QCD Phenomenology


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