The multifarious effects of star architecture: The case of the Kunsthaus Graz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Many studies on star architecture projects examine only some of their isolated aspects, thus highlighting certain effects and downplaying others. Drawing on the case study of the Kunsthaus Graz, this chapter gives a comprehensive account of the wide range of effects of a star architecture project. After the overview of the Kunsthaus Graz development process is presented, the effects which were intended by the project's proponents are stated. These intended effects include attracting tourists, inducing identification and citizen pride, diversifying the economy and urban regeneration. On the basis of the formulated objectives, an investigation is carried out to determine the extent to which the Kunsthaus Graz fulfils these objectives. In addition, unintended, but incipient, effects are examined. The chapter cautions that a star architecture project must not be analysed as a single or homogenous entity. Rather such projects must be understood as a project development process, in which a physical building with star architecture attributes is developed on a specific location in a city to house a function which is operated by an institution. Unpacking star architecture projects assists in analysing more accurately how effects are generated.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAbout Star Architecture
Subtitle of host publicationReflecting on Cities in Europe
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9783030239251
ISBN (Print)9783030239244
StatePublished - 16 Mar 2020


  • Bilbao effect
  • ECOC
  • Graz
  • Impact analysis
  • Star architecture
  • Urban regeneration


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