The impact of a 4th generation on mixing and CP violation in the charm system

Andrzej J. Buras, Björn Duling, Thorsten Feldmann, Tillmann Heidsieck, Christoph Promberger, Stefan Recksiegel

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22 Scopus citations


We study D0-D0 mixing in the presence of a fourth generation of quarks. In particular, we calculate the size of the allowed CP violation which is found at the observable level well beyond anything possible with CKM dynamics. We calculate the semileptonic asymmetry aSL(D) and the mixing induced CP asymmetry ηf Sf (D) which are correlated with each other. We also investigate the correlation of ηf Sf (D) with a number of prominent observables in other mesonic systems like ε/ε, Br(KL → π0νν), Br(K+ → π+νν), Br(Bs → µ+µ), Br(Bd → µ+µ) and finally Sψφ(Bs) in the Bs system. We identify a clear pattern of flavour and CP violation predicted by the SM4 model: While simultaneous large 4G effects in the K and D systems are possible, accompanying large NP effects in the Bd system are disfavoured. However this behaviour is not as pronounced as found for the LHT and RSc models. In contrast to this, sizeable CP violating effects in the Bs system are possible unless extreme effects in ηf Sf (D) are found, and Br(Bs → µ+µ) can be strongly enhanced regardless of the situation in the D system. We find that, on the other hand, Sψφ(Bs) > 0.2 combined with the measured ε/ε significantly diminishes 4G effects within the D system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number94
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2010


  • Beyond standard model
  • CP violation
  • Rare decays


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