The Effect of Sensor Integration on the Load Carrying Capacity of Gears

Luca Bonaiti, Erich Knoll, Michael Otto, Carlo Gorla, Karsten Stahl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Classical machine elements have been around for centuries, even millennia. However, the current advancement in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), together with Condition Monitoring (CM), requires that machine elements should be upgraded from a not-simple object to an intelligent object, able to provide information about its working conditions to its surroundings, especially its health. However, the integration of electronics in a mechanical component may lead to a reduction in its load capacity since the component may need to be modified in order to accommodate them. This paper describes a case study, where, differently from other cases present in the literature, sensor integration has been developed under the gear teeth of an actual case-hardened helical gear pair to be used within an actual gearbox. This article has two different purposes. On the one hand, it aims to investigate the effect that component-level SHM/CM has on the gear load carrying capacity. On the other hand, it also aims to be of inspiration to the reader who wants to undertake the challenges of designing a sensor-integrated gear.

Original languageEnglish
Article number888
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • gear
  • gear SHM and CM
  • gearboxes
  • sensor integrated gears
  • sensor integration


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