The development of the NNBAR experiment

F. Backman, J. Barrow, Y. Beßler, A. Bianchi, C. Bohm, G. Brooijmans, H. Calen, J. Cederkäll, J. I.M. Damian, E. Dian, D. D. Di Julio, K. Dunne, L. Eklund, M. J. Ferreira, P. Fierlinger, U. Friman-Gayer, C. Happe, M. Holl, T. Johansson, Y. KamyshkovE. Klinkby, R. Kolevatov, A. Kupsc, B. Meirose, D. Milstead, A. Nepomuceno, T. Nilsson, A. Oskarsson, H. Perrey, K. Ramic, B. Rataj, N. Rizzi, V. Santoro, S. Silverstein, W. M. Snow, A. Takibayev, R. Wagner, M. Wolke, S. C. Yiu, A. R. Young, L. Zanini, O. Zimmer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


The NNBAR experiment for the European Spallation Source will search for free neutrons converting to antineutrons with a sensitivity improvement of three orders of magnitude compared to the last such search. This paper describes progress towards a conceptual design report for NNBAR. The design of a moderator, neutron reflector, beamline, shielding and annihilation detector is reported. The simulations used form part of a model which will be used for optimisation of the experiment design and quantification of its sensitivity.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberP10046
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • Detector modelling and simulations I (interaction of radiation with matter, interaction of photons with matter, interaction of hadrons with matter, etc)
  • Instrumentation for neutron sources
  • Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics
  • Simulation methods and programs


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