The combined global gravity field model XGM2019e

P. Zingerle, R. Pail, T. Gruber, X. Oikonomidou

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221 Scopus citations


XGM2019e is a combined global gravity field model represented by spheroidal harmonics up to degree and order (d/o) 5399, corresponding to a spatial resolution of 2′ (~ 4 km). As data sources, it includes the satellite model GOCO06s in the longer wavelength range up to d/o 300 combined with a ground gravity grid which also covers the shorter wavelengths. The ground data consist over land and ocean of gravity anomalies provided by courtesy of NGA (15′ resolution, identical to XGM2016) augmented with topographically derived gravity information over land (EARTH2014). Over the oceans, gravity anomalies derived from satellite altimetry are used (DTU13 with a resolution of 1′). The combination of the satellite data with the ground gravity observations is performed by using full normal equations up to d/o 719 (15′). Beyond d/o 719, a block-diagonal least squares solution is calculated for the high-resolution ground gravity data (from topography and altimetry). All calculations are performed in the spheroidal harmonic domain. In the spectral band up to d/o 719, the new model shows a slightly improved behaviour in the magnitude of a few mm RMS over land as compared to preceding models such as XGM2016, EIGEN6c4 or EGM2008 when validated with independent geoid information derived from GNSS/levelling. Over land and in the spectral range above d/o 719, the accuracy of XGM2019e marginally suffers from the sole use of topographic forward modelling, and geoid differences at GNSS/levelling stations are increased in the order of several mm RMS in well-surveyed areas, such as the US and Europe, compared to models containing real gravity data over their entire spectrum, e.g. EIGEN6c4 or EGM2008. However, GNSS/levelling validation also indicates that the performance of XGM2019e can be considered as globally more consistent and independent of existing high-resolution global models. Over the oceans, the model exhibits an enhanced performance (equal or better than preceding models), which is confirmed by comparison of the MDT’s computed from CNES/CLS 2015 mean sea surface and the high-resolution geoid models. The MDT based on XGM2019e shows fewer artefacts, particularly in the coastal regions, and fits globally better to DTU17MDT which is considered as an independent reference MDT.

Original languageEnglish
Article number66
JournalJournal of Geodesy
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • Combined gravity field model
  • Full normal equation systems
  • Gravity
  • High-performance computing
  • Spherical harmonics
  • Spheroidal harmonics


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