Tetris-inspired detector with neural network for radiation mapping

Ryotaro Okabe, Shangjie Xue, Jayson R. Vavrek, Jiankai Yu, Ryan Pavlovsky, Victor Negut, Brian J. Quiter, Joshua W. Cates, Tongtong Liu, Benoit Forget, Stefanie Jegelka, Gordon Kohse, Lin Wen Hu, Mingda Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Radiation mapping has attracted widespread research attention and increased public concerns on environmental monitoring. Regarding materials and their configurations, radiation detectors have been developed to identify the position and strength of the radioactive sources. However, due to the complex mechanisms of radiation-matter interaction and data limitation, high-performance and low-cost radiation mapping is still challenging. Here, we present a radiation mapping framework using Tetris-inspired detector pixels. Applying inter-pixel padding for enhancing contrast between pixels and neural networks trained with Monte Carlo (MC) simulation data, a detector with as few as four pixels can achieve high-resolution directional prediction. A moving detector with Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) further achieved radiation position localization. Field testing with a simple detector has verified the capability of the MAP method for source localization. Our framework offers an avenue for high-quality radiation mapping with simple detector configurations and is anticipated to be deployed for real-world radiation detection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3061
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2024
Externally publishedYes


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