Taming the germyliumylidene [CIGe:]+ and germathionium [CIGeS]+ ions by donor-acceptor stabilization using 1,8-bis(tributylphosphazenyl)naphthalene

Yun Xiong, Shenglai Yao, Shigeyoshi Inoue, Andreas Berkefeld, Matthias Driess

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


The novel chlorogermyliumylidene complex L[ClGe:]+ (L = 1,8-bis(tri-n-butylphosphanzenyl)naphthalene) with a “naked” Cl- as a counter anion was synthesized through reaction of L with Cl2Ge: and fully characterized. Its reaction with elemental sulfur afforded the first germathionium [ClGeS]+ cation containing species. The latter has also been fully characterized, including single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12198-12200
Number of pages3
JournalChemical Communications
Issue number100
StatePublished - 21 Nov 2012
Externally publishedYes


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