Kugler, A, Balanda, A, Belver, D, Belyaev, AV, Blanco, A, Böhmer, M, Boyard, JL, Braun-Munzinger, P, Cabanelas, P, Castro, E, S. Chernenko, C, Díaz, J, Dybczak, A, Epple, E
, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, OV, Finocchiaro, P, Fonte, P, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Galatyuk, T, Garzón, JA, Gernhäuser, R, Gil, A, Golubeva, M, González-Díaz, D, Guber, F, Hennino, T, Holzmann, R, Huck, P, Ierusalimov, AP, Iori, I, Ivashkin, A, Jurkovic, M, Kämpfer, B, Karavicheva, T, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kol, BW, Kopp, A, Kotte, R, Kozuch, A, Krása, A, Krizek, F, Krücken, R, Kühn, W, Kurepin, A, Kählitz, PK, Lamas-Valverde, J, Lang, S, Lange, JS, Lapidus, K, Liu, T, Lopes, L, Lorenz, M, Maier, L, Mangiarotti, A, Markert, J, Metag, V, Michalska, B, Michel, J, Morinière, E, Mousa, J, Müntz, C, Naumann, L, Pachmayer, YC, Palka, M, Parpottas, Y, Pechenov, V, Pietraszko, J, Przygoda, W, Ramstein, B, Reshetin, A, Roskoss, J, Rustamov, A, Sadovsky, A, Salabura, P, Schmah, A, Siebenson, J, Simon, R, Sobolev, YG, Spataro, S, Spruck, B, Ströbele, H, Stroth, J, Sturm, C, Sudol, M, Tarantola, A, Teilab, K, Tlusty, P, Traxler, M, Trebacz, R, Tsertos, H, Veretenkin, I, Wagner, V, Weber, M, Wisniowski, M, Wüstenfeld, J & Yurevich, S 2010,
Studying hadron properties in baryonic matter with HADES. in
Hadron 2009 - Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy. AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1257, pp. 691-694, 13th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Hadron 2009, Tallahassee, FL, United States,