Study of solar and other unknown anti-neutrino fluxes with Borexino at LNGS

G. Bellini, J. Benziger, S. Bonetti, M. Buizza Avanzini, B. Caccianiga, L. Cadonati, F. Calaprice, C. Carraro, A. Chavarria, A. Chepurnov, D. D'Angelo, S. Davini, A. Derbin, A. Etenko, K. Fomenko, D. Franco, C. Galbiati, S. Gazzana, C. Ghiano, M. GiammarchiM. Goeger-Neff, A. Goretti, E. Guardincerri, S. Hardy, Aldo Ianni, Andrea Ianni, M. Joyce, V. V. Kobychev, D. Korablev, Y. Koshio, G. Korga, D. Kryn, M. Laubenstein, T. Lewke, E. Litvinovich, B. Loer, P. Lombardi, L. Ludhova, I. Machulin, S. Manecki, W. Maneschg, G. Manuzio, Q. Meindl, E. Meroni, L. Miramonti, M. Misiaszek, D. Montanari, V. Muratova, L. Oberauer, M. Obolensky, F. Ortica, M. Pallavicini, L. Papp, L. Perasso, S. Perasso, A. Pocar, R. S. Raghavan, G. Ranucci, A. Razeto, A. Re, P. Risso, A. Romani, D. Rountree, A. Sabelnikov, R. Saldanha, C. Salvo, S. Schönert, H. Simgen, M. Skorokhvatov, O. Smirnov, A. Sotnikov, S. Sukhotin, Y. Suvorov, R. Tartaglia, G. Testera, D. Vignaud, R. B. Vogelaar, F. von Feilitzsch, J. Winter, M. Wojcik, A. Wright, M. Wurm, J. Xu, O. Zaimidoroga, S. Zavatarelli, G. Zuzel

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85 Scopus citations


We report on the search for anti-neutrinos of yet unknown origin with the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In particular, a hypothetical anti-neutrino flux from the Sun is investigated. Anti-neutrinos are detected through the neutron inverse β decay reaction in a large liquid organic scintillator target. We set a new upper limit for a hypothetical solar ν -e flux of 760 cm-2s-1, obtained assuming an undistorted solar 8B energy spectrum. This corresponds to a limit on the transition probability of solar neutrinos to anti-neutrinos of 1.3×10-4 (90% C.L.) for Eν>1.8 MeV, covering the entire 8B spectrum. Best differential limits on anti-neutrino fluxes from unknown sources are also obtained between the detection energy threshold of 1.8 MeV and 17.8 MeV with more than 2 years of data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-196
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number3
StatePublished - 31 Jan 2011


  • Anti-neutrinos
  • Liquid scintillator
  • Neutrino detector
  • Solar neutrinos


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