Study of exclusive one-pion and one-eta production using hadron and dielectron channels in pp reactions at kinetic beam energies of 1.25 GeV and 2.2 GeV with HADES

G. Agakishiev, H. Alvarez-Pol, A. Balanda, R. Bassini, M. Böhmer, H. Bokemeyer, J. L. Boyard, P. Cabanelas, S. Chernenko, T. Christ, M. Destefanis, F. Dohrmann, A. Dybczak, T. Eberl, L. Fabbietti, O. Fateev, P. Finocchiaro, J. Friese, I. Fröhlich, T. GalatyukJ. A. Garzón, R. Gernhäuser, C. Gilardi, M. Golubeva, D. González-Diaz, F. Guber, M. Gumberidze, T. Hennino, R. Holzmann, A. Ierusalimov, I. Iori, A. Ivashkin, M. Jurkovic, B. Kämpfer, K. Kanaki, T. Karavicheva, I. Koenig, W. Koenig, B. W. Kolb, R. Kotte, A. Kozuch, F. Krizek, W. Kühn, A. Kugler, A. Kurepin, S. Lang, K. Lapidus, T. Liu, L. Maier, J. Markert, V. Metag, B. Michalska, E. Morinière, J. Mousa, M. Münch, C. Müntz, L. Naumann, J. Otwinowski, Y. C. Pachmayer, V. Pechenov, O. Pechenova, T. Pérez Cavalcanti, J. Pietraszko, V. Pospisil, W. Przygoda, B. Ramstein, A. Reshetin, M. Roy-Stephan, A. Rustamov, A. Sadovsky, B. Sailer, P. Salabura, M. Sánchez, A. Schmah, E. Schwab, Yu G. Sobolev, S. Spataro, B. Spruck, H. Ströbele, J. Stroth, C. Sturm, A. Tarantola, K. Teilab, P. Tlusty, A. Toia, M. Traxler, R. Trebacz, H. Tsertos, V. Wagner, M. Wisniowski, T. Wojcik, J. Wüstenfeld, S. Yurevich, Y. Zanevsky, P. Zumbruch

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22 Scopus citations


We present measurements of exclusive π+,0 and η production in pp reactions at 1. 25GeV and 2. 2GeV beam kinetic energy in hadron and dielectron channels. In the case of π+ and π0, high-statistics invariant-mass and angular distributions are obtained within the HADES acceptance as well as acceptance-corrected distributions, which are compared to a resonance model. The sensitivity of the data to the yield and production angular distribution of Δ(1232) and higher-lying baryon resonances is shown, and an improved parameterization is proposed. The extracted cross-sections are of special interest in the case of pp → ppη, since controversial data exist at 2. 0GeV; we find σ = 0. 142±0. 022mb. Using the dielectron channels, the π0 and η Dalitz decay signals are reconstructed with yields fully consistent with the hadronic channels. The electron invariant masses and acceptance-corrected helicity angle distributions are found in good agreement with model predictions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number74
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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