Staubsedimentation im nordafrikanischen Sahel - Herkunft und Auswirkung auf die Landschaftsokologie eines semiariden Grossraumes

Translated title of the contribution: Dust sedimentation in the North African Sahel - origin and effect on the landscape ecology of a large-scale semi-arid area

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Two sedimentary cycles are documented for the southern Sahara zone of the Republic of Niger. Existing regional differences of the dust sediments in the northern Sahel argue against a supra-regional transportation. On the otherwise bare rock of the south Saharan high plateaus, the dust sediments allowed the formation of soils now bearing a loose wood and grass vegetation. Between the ancient dunes of the Sahel, (para-) Vertisols having formed on aeolian very fine-grained sediments as well, already occur in the scope of the 300mm-isohyetal line. Due to their water-retaining capacity, these soils provide the only locations at the agronomic dry margin where the cultivation of vegetables is possible. -from English summary

Translated title of the contributionDust sedimentation in the North African Sahel - origin and effect on the landscape ecology of a large-scale semi-arid area
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)73-85
Number of pages13
JournalZeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband
StatePublished - 1991


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