Stagnating crop yields: An overlooked risk for the carbon balance of agricultural soils?

Martin Wiesmeier, Rico Hübner, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

59 Scopus citations


The carbon (C) balance of agricultural soils may be largely affected by climate change. Increasing temperatures are discussed to cause a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) due to enhanced decomposition of soil organic matter, which has a high intrinsic temperature sensitivity. On the other hand, severalmodeling studies assumed that potential SOC losses would be compensated or even outperformed by an increased C input by crop residues into agricultural soils. This assumptionwas based on a predicted general increase of net primary productivity (NPP) as a result of the CO2 fertilization effect and prolonged growing seasons. However, it is questionable if the crop C input into agricultural soils can be derived from NPP predictions of vegetation models. The C input in European croplands is largely controlled by the agricultural management and was strongly related to the development of crop yields in the last decades. Thus, a glance at past yield development will probably be more instructive for future estimations of the C input than previous modeling approaches based on NPP predictions. An analysis of European yield statistics indicated that yields of wheat, barley and maize are stagnating in Central and Northern Europe since the 1990s. The stagnation of crop yields can probably be related to a fundamental change of the agricultural management and to climate change effects. It is assumed that the soil C input is concurrently stagnating which would necessarily lead to a decrease of agricultural SOC stocks in the long-termgiven a constant temperature increase. Remarkably, for almost all European countries that are facedwith yield stagnation indications for agricultural SOC decreaseswere already found. Potentially adverse effects of yield stagnation on the C balance of croplands call for an interdisciplinary investigation of its causes and a comprehensive monitoring of SOC stocks in agricultural soils of Europe.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1045-1051
Number of pages7
JournalScience of the Total Environment
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Climate change
  • Net primary productivity
  • Soil C input
  • Soil organic carbon


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