Spirocyclische, Ψ-tbp-konfigurierte Phosphan-Germylenkomplexe [XC(PMe2)2]2Ge (X = PMe2, SiMe3): Darstellung, Struktur und Moleküldynamik

Hans H. Karsch, Brigitte Deubelly, Gerhard Hanika, Jürgen Riede, Gerhard Müller

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41 Scopus citations


The preparation and spectroscopic properties of the compounds [XC(PMe2)2]2Ge (X = PMe2. SiMe3) are reported and compared with those of the tin homologues. The dynamic behavior of the germanium compounds in solution is completely different from that of the tin complexes. An X-ray structure determination of [C(PMe2)3]2Ge (1a) reveals that it has an overall molecular structure which is very similar to that of the tin complex. The central atom is four-coordinated by P atoms in a distorted ψ-tbp configuration with the presumed lone pair in the third equatorial position. One drastically elongated axial GeP "bond" (2.926(2) Å) results from the reluctance of GeII to accomodate more than four electron pairs as compared to the tin complex. The structural differences also may account for the observed differences in dynamic behavior in solution.

Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)153-161
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
Issue number2
StatePublished - 19 Apr 1988

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