Single-hole spectra of Kitaev spin liquids: from dynamical Nagaoka ferromagnetism to spin-hole fractionalization

Wilhelm Kadow, Hui Ke Jin, Johannes Knolle, Michael Knap

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2 Scopus citations


The dynamical response of a quantum spin liquid upon injecting a hole is a pertinent open question. In experiments, the hole spectral function, measured momentum-resolved in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) or locally in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), can be used to identify spin liquid materials. In this study, we employ tensor network methods to simulate the time evolution of a single hole doped into the Kitaev spin-liquid ground state. Focusing on the gapped spin liquid phase, we reveal two fundamentally different scenarios. For ferromagnetic spin couplings, the spin liquid is highly susceptible to hole doping: a Nagaoka ferromagnet forms dynamically around the doped hole, even at weak coupling. By contrast, in the case of antiferromagnetic spin couplings, the hole spectrum demonstrates an intricate interplay between charge, spin, and flux degrees of freedom, best described by a parton mean-field ansatz of fractionalized holons and spinons. Moreover, we find a good agreement of our numerical results to the analytically solvable case of slow holes. Our results demonstrate that dynamical hole spectral functions provide rich information on the structure of fractionalized quantum spin liquids.

Original languageEnglish
Article number32
Journalnpj Quantum Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2024


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