Setting Up a Measuring Device to Determine the Friction of the Piston Assembly

Sebastian Kunkel, Martin Werner, Georg Wachtmeister

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8 Scopus citations


This SAE Technical Paper gives a summary of the essential findings in the development and operation of a test engine dedicated to the measuring of the friction between the piston group and the liner. Firstly the fundamental demands on the high-precision and close to real engine operation friction measuring are laid out. Subsequently the basic engine, the measuring system based on the floating liner method including a gas balance device, as well as the implemented measuring technique are specified. Major influencing variables on the friction of the piston assembly and its interference variables are also summarized. Extensive information about the systematic and strategies for the test engine's operation startup are given in acknowledgement of influencing and interference variables. This strategy reduces the developmental and startup process of an engine dedicated to the measuring of piston group friction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)340-351
Number of pages12
JournalSAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing
Issue number1
StatePublished - Apr 2011


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