Sequential escapes and synchrony breaking for networks of bistable oscillatory nodes

Jennifer Creaser, Peter Ashwin, Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

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Progression through different synchronized and desynchronized regimes in brain networks has been reported to reect physiological and behavioral states, such as working memory and attention. More- over, intracranial recordings of epileptic seizures show a progression towards synchronization as brain regions are recruited and the seizures evolve. In this paper, we build on our previous work on noise- induced transitions on networks to explore the interplay between transitions and synchronization. We consider a bistable dynamical system that is initially at a stable equilibrium (quiescent) that coexists with an oscillatory state (active). The addition of noise will typically lead to escape from the quiescent to the active state. If a number of such systems are coupled, these escapes can spread sequentially in the manner of a "domino effect."We illustrate our findings numerically in an ex- ample system with three coupled nodes. We first show that a symmetrically coupled network with amplitude-dependent coupling exhibits new phenomena of accelerating and decelerating domino ef- fects modulated by the strength and sign of the coupling. This is quantified by numerically computing escape times for the system with weak coupling. We then apply phase-amplitude-dependent cou- pling and explore the interplay between synchronized and desynchronized dynamics in the system. We consider escape phases between nodes where the cascade of noise-induced escapes is associated with various types of partial synchrony along the sequence. We show examples for the three-node system in which there is multistability between in-phase and antiphase solutions where solutions switch between the two as the sequence of escapes progresses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2829-2846
Number of pages18
JournalSIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Issue number4
StatePublished - 17 Dec 2020


  • Escape phase
  • Escape time
  • Generalized Hopf normal form
  • Noise-induced transition
  • Sequential escape


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