Scattering correction through a space-variant blind deconvolution algorithm

Koberstein Schwarz Benno, Omlor Lars, Schmitt Manderbach Tobias, Mappes Timo, Ntziachristos Vasilis

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3 Scopus citations


Scattering within biological samples limits the imaging depth and the resolution in microscopy. We present a prior and regularization approach for blind deconvolution algorithms to correct the influence of scattering to increase the imaging depth and resolution. The effect of the prior is demonstrated on a three-dimensional image stack of a zebrafish embryo captured with a selective plane illumination microscope. Blind deconvolution algorithms model the recorded image as a convolution between the distribution of fluorophores and a point spread function (PSF). Our prior uses image information from adjacent z-planes to estimate the unknown blur in tissue. The increased size of the PSF due to the cascading effect of scattering in deeper tissue is accounted for by a depth adaptive regularizer model. In a zebrafish sample, we were able to extend the point in depth, where scattering has a significant effect on the image quality by around 30 μm.

Original languageEnglish
Article number096005
JournalJournal of Biomedical Optics
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2016


  • blind deconvolution
  • scattering correction
  • selective plane illumination microscope
  • three-dimensional imaging


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