Risk stratification in luminal-type breast cancer: Comparison of Ki-67 with EndoPredict test results

Aurelia Noske, Sophie Isabelle Anders, Johannes Ettl, Alexander Hapfelmeier, Katja Steiger, Katja Specht, Wilko Weichert, Marion Kiechle, Evelyn Klein

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Objectives: Adjuvant chemotherapy decision in patients with hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative breast cancer (BC) is challenging. Ki-67 is widely used for adjuvant therapy decision in BC. The multigene assay EndoPredict (EP) has shown to provide valid and additional information about the risk of recurrence compared to traditional pathological factors. In this study, we compared Ki-67 with EP assay generated risk groups. Methods: We analyzed the results from prospective EP testing (n = 373) and tumor proliferation assessed by Ki-67 staining in luminal breast cancer. We statistically investigated the association of both parameters and probed for equivalence in risk stratification. Results: Evaluation of Ki-67 was feasible in 307 (82%) BC specimens with known EP test results. The EPscore (now called 12-gene molecular score) delineated 140 low and 167 high scores. After combining the EPscore with pathological tumor stage and nodal status, we received 203 EPclin low-risk and 104 EPclin high-risk classifications. EPscore and EPclin were significantly associated with Ki-67 indices and tumor grade (p < 0.001). Overall, we observed a moderate correlation between Ki-67 and the EPscore (r = 0.63) as well as the EPclin score (r = 0.59). Conclusion: Ki-67 values above 25% partly overlap with EP test results and therefore indicate a high-risk profile. In these cases, the additional prognostic information from EP testing might be rather low. However, low and intermediate Ki-67 values (less than 25%) alone were not reliable in predicting a low risk EP profile, indicating that EP testing is useful in this subgroup.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)101-107
Number of pages7
StatePublished - Feb 2020


  • Breast cancer
  • EndoPredict
  • Ki-67
  • Luminal-type
  • Risk stratification


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