Risk sharing in equity-linked insurance products: Stackelberg equilibrium between an insurer and a reinsurer

Yevhen Havrylenko, Maria Hinken, Rudi Zagst

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We study the optimal investment-reinsurance problem in the context of equity-linked insurance products. Such products often have a capital guarantee, which can motivate insurers to purchase reinsurance. Since a reinsurance contract implies an interaction between the insurer and the reinsurer, we model the optimization problem as a Stackelberg game. The reinsurer is the leader in the game and maximizes its expected utility by selecting its optimal investment strategy and a safety loading in the reinsurance contract it offers to the insurer. The reinsurer can assess how the insurer will rationally react on each action of the reinsurer. The insurance company is the follower and maximizes its expected utility by choosing its investment strategy and the amount of reinsurance the company purchases at the price offered by the reinsurer. In this game, we derive the Stackelberg equilibrium for general utility functions. For power utility functions, we calculate the equilibrium explicitly and find that the reinsurer selects the largest reinsurance premium such that the insurer may still buy the maximal amount of reinsurance. Since in the equilibrium the insurer is indifferent in the amount of reinsurance, in practice, the reinsurer should consider charging a smaller reinsurance premium than the equilibrium one. Therefore, we propose several criteria for choosing such a discount rate and investigate its wealth-equivalent impact on the expected utility of each party.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-158
Number of pages30
JournalASTIN Bulletin
Issue number1
StatePublished - 18 Jan 2024


  • Risk sharing
  • Stackelberg equilibrium
  • insurance
  • portfolio optimization
  • reinsurance


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