Rapid visuomotor feedback gains are tuned to the task dynamics

Sae Franklin, Daniel M. Wolpert, David W. Franklin

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26 Scopus citations


Adaptation to novel dynamics requires learning a motor memory, or a new pattern of predictive feedforward motor commands. Recently, we demonstrated the upregulation of rapid visuomotor feedback gains early in curl force field learning, which decrease once a predictive motor memory is learned. However, even after learning is complete, these feedback gains are higher than those observed in the null field trials. Interestingly, these upregulated feedback gains in the curl field were not observed in a constant force field. Therefore, we suggest that adaptation also involves selectively tuning the feedback sensitivity of the sensorimotor control system to the environment. Here, we test this hypothesis by measuring the rapid visuomotor feedback gains after subjects adapt to a variety of novel dynamics generated by a robotic manipulandum in three experiments. To probe the feedback gains, we measured the magnitude of the motor response to rapid shifts in the visual location of the hand during reaching. While the feedback gain magnitude remained similar over a larger than a fourfold increase in constant background load, the feedback gains scaled with increasing lateral resistance and increasing instability. The third experiment demonstrated that the feedback gains could also be independently tuned to perturbations to the left and right, depending on the lateral resistance, demonstrating the fractionation of feedback gains to environmental dynamics. Our results show that the sensorimotor control system regulates the gain of the feedback system as part of the adaptation process to novel dynamics, appropriately tuning them to the environment. New and Noteworthy Here, we test whether rapid visuomotor feedback responses are selectively tuned to the task dynamics. The responses do not exhibit gain scaling, but they do vary with the level and stability of task dynamics. Moreover, these feedback gains are independently tuned to perturbations to the left and right, depending on these dynamics. Our results demonstrate that the sensorimotor control system regulates the feedback gain as part of the adaptation process, tuning them appropriately to the environment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2711-2726
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Neurophysiology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 3 Nov 2017


  • Adaptation
  • Learning
  • Motor control
  • Reaching movement
  • Visuomotor feedback


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