Radiative distortion of kinematic edges in cascade decays

M. Beneke, L. Jenniches, A. Mück, M. Ubiali

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2 Scopus citations


Kinematic edges of cascade decays of new particles produced in high-energy collisions may provide important constraints on the involved particles' masses. For the exemplary case of gluino decay g˜→qq¯χ˜ into a pair of quarks and a neutralino through a squark resonance, we study the hadronic invariant mass distribution in the vicinity of the kinematic edge. We perform a next-to-leading order calculation in the strong coupling αs and the ratio of squark width and squark mass Γ/m, based on a systematic expansion in Γ/m. The separation into hard, collinear and soft contributions elucidates the process-dependent and universal features of distributions in the edge region, represented by on-shell decay matrix elements, universal jet functions and a soft function that depends on the resonance propagator and soft Wilson lines.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-545
Number of pages7
JournalPhysics Letters B
StatePublished - 10 Jul 2017


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