Pressure-composition phase diagrams of cholesterol/lecithin, cholesterol/phosphatidic acid, and lecithin/phosphatidic acid mixed monolayers: A Langmuir film balance study

O. Albrecht, H. Gruler, E. Sackmann

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A highly sensitive Langmuir film balance was built which is free of leakages and which combines very good temperature control, high purity, and quick and easy operation. The isotherms of a pure lipid (dihexadecyl phosphatidylcholine) in the region below and above the critical temperature were studied. Although critical exponents could not be determined more evidence is provided that this is a tricritical point. The monolayer phase diagrams (i) of mixtures of cholesterol with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA), respectively, and (ii) of the DPPC/DMPA alloy were established in the whole accessible region of the lateral pressure π, i.e., between π = 0 and the film breakdown pressures. The pressure-composition phase diagrams were established by analyzing (i) the variation of the bulk lateral compressibility, κ, as a function of both the lateral density ρ{variant} and the composition, (ii) the molecular area, A, as a function of composition, and (iii) by estimating solubilities on the basis of Raoult's law. Breaks in the A-versus-composition plots and discontinuities and (or) breaks in the κ-versus-ρ{variant} plots indicated the location of phase boundaries. The phase diagram of the DPPC/cholesterol mixture decomposes into three regions: (1) a coexistence region of nearly pure crystalline DPPC and a DPPC/cholesterol mixture, (2) a coexistence region of the latter mixture and nearly pure cholesterol, and (3) the mixture of fluid DPPC and cholesterol which seems to be homogeneous. No indication of a special stoichiometric cholesterol/DPPC complex was obtained. At 25°C a phase line runs from 50 mole% cholesterol at π → 0 to 20% at the highest obtainable pressure. At high pressures the 20% phase boundary is nearly vertical, indicating the special role played by this composition for bilayers. Our results compare well with recent calorimetric mixed-bilayer studies. This agreement leads to the conclusion that the mixed-lipid monolayer exhibits long-time stability above zero pressure. The phase diagram of the DMPA/cholesterol system has qualitatively nearly the same form as that of the mixture with DPPC although the position of the phase boundaries is substantially different. The mixture of the single negatively charged DMPA (at pH 5.5 on pure water) with DPPC showed a distinct minimum of the liquidus line in the π-composition diagram at 50 mole% DMPA, demonstrating congruently melting behavior. Strong evidence for a stoichiometric 1/1 DMPA/DPPC complex in the crystalline state is provided. The 1/1 mixture shows an extremely sharp main phase transition with a considerably higher compressibility in the coexistence region as that observed even for pure DMPA. A distinct break in the solid-state region of the isotherm strongly suggests a second-order phase transition which could be an order-disorder transition. A different phase diagram was obtained for bilayer vesicles of the DPPC/DMPA mixture. Only a "cigar-like" diagram with complete miscibility in the solid and the fluid states was observed with the TEMPO spin-label technique.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)319-338
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Colloid and Interface Science
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1981
Externally publishedYes


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