Preparative, X‐ray, and NMR Studies of the Interaction of Beryllium with Salicylic and o‐Cresotic Acid: Crystal Structures of (NH4)2[Be(C6H4OCO2)2] · 2.25 H2O and Na3[Be(C7H6OCO2)(OH)(CO3)Be(C7H6OCO2)] · 8 H2O

Hubert Schmidbaur, Otto Kumberger

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59 Scopus citations


The existence of well‐defined crystalline beryllium salicylate(2 – ) and bis[salicylato(2 – )]beryllate complexes as well as of their o‐cresotate analogs is established. The structure of (NH4)2[Be(C6H4OCO2)2] · 2.25 H2O has been determined by an X‐ray structure analysis. It contains a beryllate anion of the composition [Be(C6H4OCO2)2]2– with two salicylate(2 – ) ligands acting as chelate ligands. The considerable 9Be NMR chemical shifts observed for aqueous solutions of the pure compounds indicate in all cases the persistence of the complexation of the metal ion by the catecholate ligands. 9Be NMR studies of aqueous solutions containing BeSO4 · 4 H2O and sodium salicylate(1 – ) or sodium o‐cresotate(1 – ) in the molar ratios 1:1 and 1:2 show that a variety of beryllium/salicylate(2 – ) and beryllium/o‐cresotate(2 – ) species are present in solution, the most prominent being Be(C6H4OCO2)‐(H2O)2 and [Be(C6H4OCO2)2]2– (and their o‐cresotate analogs). From such solutions in contact with air, a novel dinuclear beryllium hydroxido/o‐cresotato(2 – )/carbonato complex of the stoichiometry Na3[Be2(OH)(CO3)(C7H6OCO2)2] · 8 H2O is isolated. According to an X‐ray analysis the compound contains a cyclic beryllate anion with two Be(C7H6OCO2) chelate units linked by bridging hydroxide and carbonate anions. In the light of the ubiquitous availability of phenolic and carboxylic groups in many biomolecules, the finding of strong bonding of Be2+ to these functions in aqueous solution is very important.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-9
Number of pages7
JournalChemische Berichte
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1993


  • Be NMR
  • Beryllium, toxicity of
  • o‐Cresotic acid
  • Salicylic acid


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