Potential red-flag identification of colorectal adenomas with wide-field fluorescence molecular endoscopy

Elmire Hartmans, Jolien J.J. Tjalma, Matthijs D. Linssen, Pilar Beatriz Garcia Allende, Marjory Koller, Annelies Jorritsma-Smit, Mariana e.Silva de Oliveira Nery, Sjoerd G. Elias, Arend Karrenbeld, Elisabeth G.E. de Vries, Jan H. Kleibeuker, Gooitzen M. van Dam, Dominic J. Robinson, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Wouter B. Nagengast

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

51 Scopus citations


Adenoma miss rates in colonoscopy are unacceptably high, especially for sessile serrated adenomas / polyps (SSA/Ps) and in high-risk populations, such as patients with Lynch syndrome. Detection rates may be improved by fluorescence molecular endoscopy (FME), which allows morphological visualization of lesions with high-definition white-light imaging as well as fluorescence-guided identification of lesions with a specific molecular marker. In a clinical proof-of-principal study, we investigated FME for colorectal adenoma detection, using a fluorescently labelled antibody (bevacizumab-800CW) against vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), which is highly upregulated in colorectal adenomas. Methods: Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (n = 17), received an intravenous injection with 4.5, 10 or 25 mg of bevacizumab-800CW. Three days later, they received NIR-FME. Results: VEGFA-targeted NIR-FME detected colorectal adenomas at all doses. Best results were achieved in the highest (25 mg) cohort, which even detected small adenomas ( < 3 mm). Spectroscopy analyses of freshly excised specimen demonstrated the highest adenoma-to-normal ratio of 1.84 for the 25 mg cohort, with a calculated median tracer concentration in adenomas of 6.43 nmol/mL. Ex vivo signal analyses demonstrated NIR fluorescence within the dysplastic areas of the adenomas. Conclusion: These results suggest that NIR-FME is clinically feasible as a real-time, red-flag technique for detection of colorectal adenomas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1458-1467
Number of pages10
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2018


  • Near-infrared fluorescence
  • Optical molecular imaging
  • Spectroscopy
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor a


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