Pizza & wine: The need for educational tools for foundational ontologies

Stefan Schulz, Martin Boeker, José A. Vera Ramos, Ludger Jansen

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The educational ontologies PIZZA and WINE&FOOD have been widely used to teach ontology methods and tools. However, the two ontologies have remained largely unchanged for many years, despite increasing awareness of foundational principles for good ontology design (GoodOD). Recognizing that the two ontologies are lagging behind such principles, we analysed and re-designed them by strictly adhering to established upper-level ontology constraints provided by the foundation ontology BioTopLite2 (BTL2). As a result, the redesign required clarifying the ontological commitment of the PIZZA and WINE&FOOD classes by assigning them to top-level classes. We expect the ongoing redesign effort to yield a harmonized PIZZA&WINE&FOOD ontology. The redesign reflects the change in requirements for educational ontologies, which have now to take into account the privileged role that should be granted to foundational ontologies in Applied Ontology education.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes
Event2017 Joint Ontology Workshops Episode 3: The Tyrolean Autumn of Ontology, JOWO 2017 - Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Duration: 21 Sep 201723 Sep 2017


  • Educational ontologies
  • Foundational ontologies


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