Phenomenology of power corrections in fragmentation processes in e+e- annihilation

M. Beneke, V. M. Braun, L. Magnea

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56 Scopus citations


We analyse power corrections to longitudinal and transverse fragmentation processes in e+e- annihilation, based on the assumption of ultraviolet dominance of power corrections. Under this assumption, we determine the dependence of power corrections on the scaling variable x from the infrared renormalon asymptotics of leading power coefficient functions. Our results suggest that the longitudinal and transverse gluon fragmentation coefficient functions receive corrections of order 1/(xQ)2. The power expansion breaks down at x < Λ/Q and has to be resummed. This resummation leads to 1/Q corrections to the longitudinal and transverse cross section, which cancel for the total cross section. We provide a simple parametrization of the x dependence of 1/Q2 corrections to fragmentation processes and investigate perturbative corrections to the longitudinal cross section in higher orders, in view of a determination of the strong coupling.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)297-333
Number of pages37
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 21 Jul 1997
Externally publishedYes


  • Fragmentation
  • Power corrections
  • Renormalon


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