Parameter Optimization for Learning-based Control of Control-Affine Systems

Armin Lederer, Alexandre Capone, Sandra Hirche

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Supervised machine learning is often applied to identify system dynamics where first principle methods fail. When combining learning with control methods, probabilistic regression is typically applied to increase robustness against learning errors. Although this combination of probabilistic regression and control theory allows to formulate performance guarantees for many control techniques, the bounds are usually conservative, and cannot be employed for efficient control parameter tuning. Therefore, we reformulate the parameter tuning problem using robust optimization with performance constraints based on Lyapunov theory. By relaxing the problem through scenario optimization, we derive a with high probability optimal method for control parameter tuning. We demonstrate its flexibility and efficiency on parameter tuning problems for a feedback linearizing and a computed torque controller.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)465-475
Number of pages11
JournalProceedings of Machine Learning Research
StatePublished - 2020
Event2nd Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, L4DC 2020 - Berkeley, United States
Duration: 10 Jun 202011 Jun 2020


  • control parameter tuning
  • data-driven control
  • probabilistic machine learning
  • safe learning-based control
  • scenario optimization


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