Optically monitoring electron spin relaxation in a single quantum dot using a spin memory device

D. Heiss, V. Jovanov, F. Klotz, D. Rudolph, M. Bichler, G. Abstreiter, M. S. Brandt, J. J. Finley

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17 Scopus citations


We demonstrate optical single-electron spin initialization, storage, and readout in a single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot using a spin memory device. Single-electron spin relaxation is monitored over time scales exceeding 30μs, defined only by extrinsic experimental parameters such as the optical detection efficiency. The selective generation of a single electron in the dot is performed by resonant optical excitation and subsequent partial exciton ionization; the hole is removed from the dot while the electron remains stored. When subject to a magnetic field applied in Faraday geometry, we show how the spin of the electron can be prepared with a well-defined spin projection relative to the light propagation direction simply by controlling the voltage applied to the gate electrode. The spin is stored then in the dot before being read out using an optical implementation of spin to charge conversion, whereby the spin projection of the electron is mapped onto a more robust variable, the charge state of the dot. After spin to charge conversion, we show how the charge occupancy can be repeatedly and nonperturbatively measured by pumping a luminescence recycling transition. The approach is shown to provide a readout signal 104 times stronger per spin when compared to previous methods. In combination with spin manipulation using the optical Stark effect or microwaves, our approach provides an ideal basis for probing spin coherence in single self-assembled quantum dots over long-time scales and the development of methods for coherent spin control.

Original languageEnglish
Article number245316
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number24
StatePublished - 2010


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