On Discrete Conjugate Semi-Geodesic Nets

Tim Hoffmann, Wolfgang K. Schief, Jannik Steinmeier

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We introduce two canonical discretizations of nets on generic surfaces, which consist of an one-parameter family of geodesics and its associated family of conjugate lines. The two types of "discrete conjugate semi-geodesic nets"constitute discrete focal nets of circular nets, which mimics the classical connection between surfaces parametrized in terms of curvature coordinates and their focal surfaces on which one corresponding family of coordinate lines are geodesics. The discrete surfaces constructed in this manner are termed circular-geodesic and conical-geodesic nets, respectively, and may be characterized by compact angle conditions. Geometrically, circular-geodesic nets are constructed via normal lines of circular nets, while conical-geodesic nets inherit their name from their intimately related conical nets, which also discretize curvature line parametrized surfaces. We establish a variety of properties of these discrete nets, including their algebraic and geometric 3D consistency, with the latter playing an important role in (integrable) discrete differential geometry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8685-8739
Number of pages55
JournalInternational Mathematics Research Notices
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2022


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