Observation of enhanced subthreshold K+ production in central collisions between heavy nuclei

D. Mikowiec, W. Ahner, R. Barth, M. Cielak, M. Dbowski, E. Grosse, W. Henning, P. Koczoń, R. Schicker, E. Schwab, P. Senger, P. Baltes, Ch Müntz, H. Oeschler, S. Sartorius, Ch Sturm, A. Wagner, P. Beckerle, Ch Bormann, D. BrillY. Shin, J. Stein, R. Stock, H. Ströbele, B. Kohlmeyer, H. Pöppl, F. Pühlhofer, J. Speer, K. Völkel, W. Walu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

112 Scopus citations


In the very heavy collision system Au197+197Au the K+ production process was studied as a function of impact parameter at 1 GeV/nucleon, a beam energy well below the free N-N threshold. The K+ multiplicity increases more than linearly with the number of participant nucleons and the K+/π+ ratio rises significantly when going from peripheral to central collisions. The measured K+ double differential cross section is enhanced by a factor of 6 compared to microscopic transport calculations if secondary processes (ΔN→ KΛN and ΔΔ→KΛN) are ignored.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3650-3653
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number23
StatePublished - 1994
Externally publishedYes


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