Numerische Untersuchungen als Teil der Begutachtung der historischen Lager des Chemnitzer Viadukts

Martin Mensinger, Joachim Kretz, Dorina Siebert

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

2 Scopus citations


Numerical investigations as part of the assessment of the historic bearings of the Chemnitz viaduct. As part of the refurbishment of the Chemnitz viaduct in line with monument protection requirements, the cast steel bearing components also had to be assessed. This required extensive numerical calculations in order to carry out the verifications in the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit state. The results of the finite element calculations, taking into account the exceptional combination of actions and unit load cases, served as input parameters for fracture mechanical investigations to assess the risk of brittle fracture and to verify safety against fatigue. Non-destructive and destructive tests as well as casting simulations and 3D scans completed the state assessment and thus the overall assessment of the cast bearings. Complex load conditions, such as impressed stress conditions from initial plasticization, were taken into account by means of non-linear calculations with loading, unloading and reloading. The numerical calculations are presented in this article, in addition to the explanations regarding the other components of the assessment in the first part of this paper, and exemplary results are shown. The detailed recalculation was an important basis for the continued use of a large part of the bearing components.

Original languageGerman
Number of pages11
Specialist publicationStahlbau
StatePublished - Mar 2024
Externally publishedYes

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