Novel Pulse Sequences with Sensitivity Enhancement for In-phase Coherence Transfer Employing Pulsed Field Gradients

M. Sattler, P. Schmidt, J. Schleucher, O. Schedletzky, S. J. Glaser, C. Griesinger

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47 Scopus citations


Novel pulse sequences for in-phase coherence order selective coherence transfer (ICOS-CT) S- → F- in an InS spin system employing heteronuclear gradient echos are introduced and evaluated in theory and experiment, It is shown that the heteronuclear isotropic mixing Hamiltonian Hiso = (2πJ/3)(FzSz + FxSx + FySy) or successive bilinear rotations along the x, y, and z axes achieve ICOS-CT, In the absence of homonuclear S couplings, the heteronuclear isotropic mixing performs best with respect to sensitivity for all multiplicities, In the presence of homonuclear S couplings, however, two pulse sequences based on successive bilinear rotations, yxz-ICOS-CT and xyz-ICOS-CT, represent the optimum, These sequences were tested experimentally on a 13C-labeled protein and an unlabeled peptide, The performance of the two sequences is comparable, with a slight advantage for the yxz-ICOS-CT sequence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)235-242
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance - Series B
Issue number3
StatePublished - 7 Sep 1995
Externally publishedYes


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