Novel clinical device tracking and tissue event characterization using proximally placed audio signal acquisition and processing

Alfredo Illanes, Axel Boese, Iván Maldonado, Ali Pashazadeh, Anna Schaufler, Nassir Navab, Michael Friebe

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39 Scopus citations


We propose a new and complementary approach to image guidance for monitoring medical interventional devices (MID) with human tissue interaction and surgery augmentation by acquiring acoustic emission data from the proximal end of the MID outside the patient to extract dynamical characteristics of the interaction between the distal tip and the tissue touched or penetrated by the MID. We conducted phantom based experiments (n = 955) to show dynamic tool/tissue interaction during tissue needle passage (a) and vessel perforation caused by guide wire artery perforation (b). We use time-varying auto-regressive (TV-AR) modelling to characterize the dynamic changes and time-varying maximal energy pole (TV-MEP) to compute subsequent analysis of MID/tissue interaction characterization patterns. Qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that the TV-AR spectrum and the TV-MEP indicated the time instants of the needle path through different phantom objects (a) and clearly showed a perforation versus other generated artefacts (b). We demonstrated that audio signals acquired from the proximal part of an MID could provide valuable additional information to surgeons during minimally invasive procedures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number12070
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2018


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