Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the lifetime difference of Bs mesons

M. Beneke, G. Buchalla, C. Greub, A. Lenz, U. Nierste

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243 Scopus citations


We compute the QCD corrections to the decay rate difference in the Bs-B̄s system, ΔΓBs, in the next-to-leading logarithmic approximation using the heavy quark expansion approach. Going beyond leading order in QCD is essential to obtain a proper matching of the Wilson coefficients to the matrix elements of local operators from lattice gauge theory. The lifetime difference is reduced considerably at next-to-leading order. We find (ΔΓ/Γ)B2 = (fBs/210MeV)2[0.006B(mb) + 0.150BS(mb) - 0.063] in terms of the bag parameters B, Bs in the NDR scheme. As a further application of our analysis we also derive the next-to-leading order result for the mixing-induced CP asymmetry in inclusive b → uūd decays, which measures sin2α.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)631-640
Number of pages10
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes


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