Neuropharmacology of purinergic receptors in human submucous plexus: Involvement of P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 channels, P2Y and A3 metabotropic receptors in neurotransmission

A. Liñán-Rico, J. E. Wunderlich, J. T. Enneking, D. R. Tso, I. Grants, K. C. Williams, A. Otey, K. Michel, M. Schemann, B. Needleman, A. Harzman, F. L. Christofi

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24 Scopus citations


Abstract Rationale The role of purinergic signaling in human ENS is not well understood. We sought to further characterize the neuropharmacology of purinergic receptors in human ENS and test the hypothesis that endogenous purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission. Experimental approach LSCM-Fluo-4/(Ca2+)-imaging of postsynaptic Ca2+ transients (PSCaTs) was used as a reporter of synaptic transmission evoked by fiber tract electrical stimulation in human SMP surgical preparations. Pharmacological analysis of purinergic signaling was done in 1,556 neurons (identified by HuC/D-immunoreactivity) in 235 ganglia from 107 patients; P2XR-immunoreactivity was evaluated in 19 patients. Real-time MSORT (Di-8-ANEPPS) imaging tested effects of adenosine on fast excitatory synaptic potentials (fEPSPs). Results Synaptic transmission is sensitive to pharmacological manipulations that alter accumulation of extracellular purines: Apyrase blocks PSCaTs in a majority of neurons. An ecto-NTPDase-inhibitor 6-N,N-diethyl-D-β,γ-dibromomethyleneATP or adenosine deaminase augments PSCaTs. Blockade of reuptake/deamination of eADO inhibits PSCaTs. Adenosine inhibits fEPSPs and PSCaTs (IC50 = 25 μM), sensitive to MRS1220-antagonism (A3AR). A P2Y agonist ADPβS inhibits PSCaTs (IC50 = 111 nM) in neurons without stimulatory ADPbS responses (EC50 = 960 nM). ATP or a P2X1,2,2/3 (α,β-MeATP) agonist evokes fast, slow, biphasic Ca2+ transients or Ca2+ oscillations (ATP,EC50 = 400 mM). PSCaTs are sensitive to P2X1 antagonist NF279. Low (20 nM) or high (5 μM) concentrations of P2X antagonist TNP-ATP block PSCaTs in different neurons; proportions of neurons with P2XR-immunoreactivity follow the order P2X2 > P2X1 >> P2X3; P2X1 + P2X2 and P2X3 + P2X2 are co-localized. RT-PCR identified mRNA-transcripts for P2X1-7, P2Y1,2,12-14R. Conclusions Purines are critical regulators of neurotransmission in human ENS. Purinergic signaling involves P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 channels, P2X1 + P2X2 co-localization and inhibitory P2Y or A3 receptors. These are potential novel therapeutic targets for neurogastroenterology.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5759
Pages (from-to)83-99
Number of pages17
StatePublished - Aug 2015


  • A inhibitory receptors
  • ATP
  • Endogenous adenosine
  • Human enteric nervous system
  • Inhibitory P2Y receptors
  • P2X channels
  • Purinergic synaptic transmission
  • Submucous plexus


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