Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y Bicrystal Grain Boundary Josephson Junctions

U. Schoop, S. Kleefisch, S. Meyer, A. Marx, L. Alff, R. Gross

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


The study of the detailed influence of the order parameter (OP) symmetry on the properties of high temperature superconducting (HTS) Josephson junctions still is a key issue. Whereas the hole doped HTS such as YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO), Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (BSCCO), or Lat 8sSr0.isCuO4_5 (LSCO) are known to have a dominating d-wave component of the OP, there is significant evidence that the electron doped material Ndj 85Ceo.i5CuO4_y (NCCO) has a s-wave symmetry of the OP. Therefore, we have studied the electrical transport properties of [001] tilt NCCO bicrystal grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJs) with misorientation angles between 7° and 36.8° and compared them to those of the hole doped HTS. For the NCCO-GBJs an exponential decay of the critical current density Jc with increasing misorientation angle as well as a scaling of the characteristic junction voltage Vc K Jc was found very similar to what is observed for the hole doped HTS. This strongly suggests that the OP symmetry is not the key parameter controlling the characteristic properties of HTS-GBJs. In contrast, they are most likely related to the presence of a disorder induced, insulating grain boundary barrier which is similar for both the d- and s-wave HTS.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3409-3412
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number2 PART 3
StatePublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes


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