Muon anomalous magnetic moment and penguin loops in warped extra dimensions

M. Beneke, P. Moch, J. Rohrwild

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7 Scopus citations


We describe the computation of the one-loop muon anomalous magnetic moment and radiative penguin transitions in the minimal and custodially protected Randall-Sundrum model. A fully five-dimensional (5D) framework is employed to match the 5D theory onto the Standard Model extended by dimension-six operators. The additional contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment from the gauge-boson exchange contributions is Δ aμ 8.8 (27.2)· 10 -11 × (1 TeV/T)2, where the first (second) number refers to the minimal (custodially-protected) model. Here 1/T denotes the location of the TeV brane in conformal coordinates, and is related to the mass of the lowest gauge-boson KK excitation by MKK≈2.35T. We also determine the Higgs-exchange contribution, which depends on the 5D Yukawa structure and the precise interpretation of the localization of the Higgs field near or at the TeV brane.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1444011
JournalInternational Journal of Modern Physics A
Issue number21
StatePublished - 20 Aug 2014


  • Anomalous magnetic moment
  • extra dimensions


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