Multiphoton mass spectrometry of metastables: Direct observation of decay in a high-resolution time-of-flight instrument

U. Boesl, H. J. Neusser, R. Weinkauf, E. W. Schlag

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144 Scopus citations


A time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a laser multiphoton ionization source is employed in studying metastable ions produced in the multiphoton ionization-dissociation process. The use of a reflecting field gives rise to sharp distinguishable mass peaks for the metastable ions. This spectrometer gives short ion pulses (8 ns fwhm) and a very high mass resolution (m/Δm = 3900 at amu 78). With this special mass spectrometer we are able to observe for the first time unimolecular decomposition on a 25-μs time scale in MPI mass spectrometry. Decay rates for hydrogen dissociation from the C6H6+ ion are measured and the results are compared with the RRKM predictions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4857-4863
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry
Issue number25
StatePublished - 1982


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