Multi-sensor space observation of heavy flood and drought conditions in the Amazon region

Florian Seitz, Karin Hedman, Franz J. Meyer, Hyongki Lee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Variations of continental water storage and related changes of water surface extensions are being observed by a variety of contemporary geometrical and gravimetrical space observation systems and in-situ measuring instruments. Within a regional multi-sensor study in the Amazon basin we elaborate on the potential of different systems for the quantification of variations of water mass and water surface extent caused by extreme flood and drought situations during 2002–2010. In particular we focus on a rapid change between a widespread flood and a drought situation in the year 2009. Observations of water mass from satellite gravimetry (GRACE), water stage from satellite altimetry (Envisat) and water extent fromL-band radar remote sensing (PALSAR) are very consistent with respect to their spatial and temporal variability. On the basis of our findings we provide an outlook on the applicability of measurements of water levels and surface water extent for an independent assessment of water volume changes. Those might be used for a cross-comparison with estimates of water storage from GRACE.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEarth on the Edge
Subtitle of host publicationScience for a Sustainable Planet - IAG General Assembly, Proceedings
EditorsChris Rizos, Pascal Willis
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9783642372216
StatePublished - 2014
EventInternational Association of Geodesy Symposia, IAG 2011 - , Austria
Duration: 28 Jun 20112 Jul 2011

Publication series

NameInternational Association of Geodesy Symposia
ISSN (Print)0939-9585


ConferenceInternational Association of Geodesy Symposia, IAG 2011


  • Extreme events
  • Multi-sensor analysis
  • SAR
  • Satellite altimetry


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