Movement Coordination during Functional Single-Leg Squat Tests in Healthy, Recreational Athletes

Korbinian Sebastian Hermann Ksoll, Matthias Cotic, Kathrin Schmalzl, Knut Beitzel, Andrea Achtnich, Andreas Imhoff, Ansgar Schwirtz, Florian Kreuzpointner, Wolfgang Seiberl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The single-leg squat (SLS) represents a functional movement task for determining leg function. Objective movement analysis is required to evaluate inter-limb symmetry and movement coordination. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate inter-limb symmetry of SLS kinematics and movement coordination using the modified vector coding technique. A 3D motion capture system and electromyography were used to assess SLS execution and muscle activation of hip ab-and adductors of 17 healthy, recreational athletes. Coordination patterns of hip, knee, and ankle joint movement were assessed by the modified vector coding technique. Statistical parametric mapping revealed no significant differences between both legs (p > 0.05). Inter-limb symmetry also appeared in movement coordination (p > 0.05). Additionally, the analysis of movement coordination indicates knee-dominant, in-phase coordination. However, coordination patterns were different between downward movement, change of direction, and upward movement (p < 0.001). Since perturbations during SLS execution, such as moments of imbalance, occur as anti-phase coordination patterns, the analysis of coordination patterns can be used as a new evaluation method for SLS performance. Furthermore, the modified vector coding technique might be helpful to analyze different compensation strategies during the SLS in symptomatic individuals.

Original languageEnglish
Article number388
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2022


  • Functional movement test
  • Knee
  • Modified vector coding technique
  • Movement coordination
  • Movement symmetry
  • Prevention and rehabilitation
  • Single-leg squat


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