Modeling of inhomogeneously premixed combustion with an extended TFC model

W. Polifke, P. Flohr, M. Brandt

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46 Scopus citations


In many practical applications, so-called premixed burners do not achieve perfect premixing of fuel and air. Instead, fuel injection pressure is limited, the permissible burner pressure drop is small and mixing lengths are curtailed to reduce the danger of flashback. Furthermore, internal or external piloting is frequently employed to improve combustion stability, while part-load operation often requires burner staging, where neighboring burners operate with unequal fuel/air equivalence ratios. In this report, an extension of the turbulent flame speed closure (TFC) model for highly turbulent premixed combustion is presented, which allows application of the model to the case of inhomogeneously premixed combustion. The extension is quite straightforward, i.e., the dependence of model parameters on mixture fraction is accounted for by providing appropriate lookup tables or functional relationships to the model. The model parameters determined in this way are adiabatic flame temperature, laminar flame speed and critical gradient. The model has been validated against a test case from the open literature and applied to an externally piloted industrial gas turbine burner with good success.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-65
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2002


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