Mismatched Models to Lower Bound the Capacity of Dual-Polarization Optical Fiber Channels

Francisco Javier Garcia-Gomez, Gerhard Kramer

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15 Scopus citations


Regular perturbation is applied to the Manakov equation and motivates a generalized correlated phase-and-additive noise model for wavelength-division multiplexing over dual-polarization optical fiber channels. The model includes three hidden Gauss-Markov processes: phase noise, polarization rotation, and additive noise. Particle filtering is used to compute lower bounds on the capacity of multi-carrier communication with frequency-dependent powers and delays. A gain of 0.17 bits/s/Hz/pol in spectral efficiency or 0.8 dB in power efficiency is achieved with respect to existing models at their peak data rate. Frequency-dependent delays also increase the spectral efficiency of single-polarization channels.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9390176
Pages (from-to)3390-3399
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2021


  • Achievable rate
  • dual-polarization
  • optical fiber
  • phase noise
  • regular perturbation


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