Microviscoelasticity of the apical cell surface of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) within confluent monolayers

Wolfgang Feneberg, Martin Aepfelbacher, Erich Sackmann

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We studied the local viscoelasticity of the apical membrane of human umbilical vein endothelial cells within confluent layers by magnetic tweezers microrheometry. Magnetic beads are coupled to various integrins by coating with fibronectin or invasin. By analyzing the deflection of beads evoked by various force scenarios we demonstrate that the cell envelope behaves as a linear viscoelastic body if forces up to 2 nN are applied for short times (<20 s) but can respond in an adaptive way if stress pulses are applied longer (>30 s). The time-dependent shear relaxation modulus G(t) exhibits three time regimes: a fast response (t < 0.05 s) where the relaxation modulus G(t) obeys a power law G(t) ∼ t-0.82±0.02; a plateau-like behavior (at 0.05 s < t < 0.15 s); and a slow flow-like response which is, however, partially reversible. Strain field mapping experiments with colloidal probes show that local forces induce a strain field exhibiting a range of ζ = 10 ± 1 μm, but which could only be observed if nonmagnetic beads were coupled to the cell surface by invasin. By application of the theory of elasticity of planar bodies we estimated a surface shear modulus of 2.5 × 10-4 N/m. By assuming a thickness of the actin cortex of ∼0.5/μm we estimate a Young modulus μ ∼ 400 Pa for the apical membrane. The value agrees with a plateau modulus of an entangled or weakly cross-linked actin network of an actin concentration of 100 μM (mesh size 0.2 μm). This result together with our observation of a strong reduction of the shear modulus by the actin destabilizing agent latrunculin A suggests that the shear modulus measured by our technique is determined by the actin cortex. The effect of two ligands inducing actin stress fiber formation and centripetal contraction of cells (associated with the formation of gaps in the confluent cell monolayer) on the viscoelastic responses were studied: histamine and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Histamine evoked a dramatic increase of the cell stiffness by >1 order of magnitude within <30 s, which is attributed to a transient rise of the intracellular Ca2+ level, since DMSO exerted a similar effect. The stiffening is accompanied by a concomitant rounding of the cells as observed by microinterferometry and relaxes partially in the timescale of 5 min, whereas gaps between cells close after ∼30 min. LPA did not exert a remarkable and reproducible effect other than an occasional very weak transient increase of the shear stiffness, which shows that the gap formation activated by LPA is mediated by a different mechanism than that induced by histamine.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1338-1350
Number of pages13
JournalBiophysical Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 2004


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