Microsatellite instability in ovarian neoplasms

B. L. King, M. L. Carcangiu, D. Carter, M. Kiechle, M. Kiechle, J. Pfisterer, A. Pfleiderer, B. M. Kacinski

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96 Scopus citations


Microsatellite instability has been observed in a variety of sporadic malignancies, but its existence in sporadic ovarian cancer has been the subject of conflicting reports. We have performed a polymerase chain reaction-based microsatellite analysis of DNAs extracted from the neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues of 41 ovarian cancer patients. Tumour-associated alterations were observed in seven (17%) of these cases. Clinicopathological correlations revealed that: (1) alterations among tumours classified as serous adenocarcinomas occurred with relatively low frequency (2/24 or 8%); (2) most of the tumours with microsatellite alterations (5/7 or 71%) were of less common histopathological types (epithelial subtypes such as endometrioid and mixed serous and mucinous, or non-epithelial types such as malignant mixed Müllerian or germ cell tumours); (3) tumour-associated alterations were observed in 3/4 (75%) of the patients with stage I tumours vs 4/37 (11%) of the patients with stage II, III and IV tumours (P = 0.01); (4) tumour-associated microsatellite instability was found to occur with similar frequencies among patients with and without clinical features suggestive of familial disease, including positive family history, early onset, or multiple primary tumours. In summary, we have observed microsatellite alterations in the neoplastic tissues of ovarian cancer patients with diverse genetic backgrounds and clinicopathological features. The pattern of alterations is consistent with the possibility that multiple mechanisms may be responsible for microsatellite instability in ovarian neoplasms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)376-382
Number of pages7
JournalBritish Journal of Cancer
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 1995
Externally publishedYes


  • Microsatellite instability
  • Ovarian neoplasms


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